Before an outburst of violence, Telegram channels spread hate speech. The BBC has tracked messages inciting the public to gather at an airport where a flight from Tel Aviv was arriving. from BBC News - World
Nottingham Panthers' Adam Johnson dies after suffering a cut to his neck from a skate in a Challenge Cup match against the Sheffield Steelers. from BBC News - World
Footage shows the inside of a hospital in Gaza after what the Palestinian Red Crescent says was a nearby rocket attack. from BBC News - World
South Africa clinch a record fourth Rugby World Cup title by doing just enough to deny 14-man New Zealand and retain their crown in a helter-skelter final in Paris. from BBC News - World
The suspect is accused of pushing two women into a ravine at Neuschwanstein Castle and raping one of them. from BBC News - World
Young people from across India go to the city of Kota for tuition to help them pass entrance exams to elite colleges. from BBC News - World
Palestinian families say they have been intimidated and displaced in the wake of Hamas's attack on Israel. from BBC News - World
In a rare Oval Office address, the president is also expected to seek funding for Taiwan and the US border. from BBC News - World
British Palestinian Surgeon, Prof Ghassan Abu-Sittah, describes the "overwhelming" numbers of wounded coming to Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital. from BBC News - World
Footage verified by the BBC shows militants hiding in a booth at the gates of the community before ambushing a car. from BBC News - World
Robert Fico - who pledged to end support for Ukraine - has teamed up with a centre-left and nationalist party. from BBC News - World
After watering his gourd 12 times a day since April, a teacher wins the world championships in California. from BBC News - World
Kenyan Kelvin Kiptum shatters the men's marathon world record in Chicago as he beats compatriot Eliud Kipchoge's previous mark by more than 30 seconds. from BBC News - World
Al-Qaeda-linked militants have blockaded cities as government forces fight Tuareg separatist groups for control of Northern Mali. from BBC News - World
Ankara vows to continue targeting Kurdish groups but the US calls for more coordination between the Nato allies. from BBC News - World
The nation has reeled from disaster to disaster in recent years, as it feels the effects of climate change. from BBC News - World